Share Your Animal Drawings     


Join In - You Are Invited - We'd Love To See Your Animal Drawings and Sketches

Would you like to share some of your animal drawings?

Do you have a drawing or sketch of your beloved pet, for instance?

Your dog, your cat or perhaps your talking parrot?

Maybe you love to draw wild animals and I am sure you may have a couple of your nice original drawings as well.

The best of all would be a short story that goes with your drawing. It is always very inspiring to read our experiences.

We’d love to see your work. Animal drawings are always very inspiring and if you already have some...why not share them?

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Other Visitors Animal Drawings

Click below to see drawings and sketches from other visitors to this page...

You got mail 
I really been enjoying trying new things. This is acrylic paint on an old saw blade. I have not posted in a while so I will be sharing more soon

Cooper lives across the road from me. He is super sweet and really goofy. I hope I have captured these qualities in my drawing.

The Staggy Night 
I love stags. I love starry nights. Here is a combination of both.

Tiger with reference photo at top 
Hi, this is my first colored pencil drawing so tried a tiger I hope you all like and thanks.

Star Atlas 
The ancients called stars and planets animal or human names after observing them. I drew an imaginary constellation in my drawing.

My favourite piece 
I do a lot of headshot commissions of dogs and horses. Recently I had such a busy period, so much so drawing became mundane and I found myself in a rut. …

Elephant face 
The elephant can survive only if forests survive.

My first drawing of lion 
This is my first time drawing a lion.

Happy Valentine's Week 
Happy Valentine's Week

Sassy is Sassy! 
Drew this for a lifelong friend. Sassy lives up to her name! She’s her Dad’s true sidekick. Going everywhere in his pickup truck. A joy to draw her.

Hunting of a fish is legal but hunting of a cat is a criminal offense

Colorful Zentangle Lion 
I colored my Zentangle Lion drawing in an artistic pattern which came out the way I expected.... It's an eye feast enjoy!!! 😊

Always Aim High 
Always Aim High

Tension In A Family 
Tension In A Family

this is a drawing I did recently off a photo from my late dear norfolk terrier Fred.

Whatever happens, just keep swimming.....

A Rajasthani painting 
Rajasthani drawing... a Mahot with his embellished Elephant :)

Bulldog is so cute animal.It is a loyal animal just like other dog.

My first drawing of a horse 
Horse is a powerful and beautiful animal.l love horse riding.There is a good bonding between a horse and it's master.

Fate Of The Deer 
Fate Of The Deer A deer was proud of his horns. One day a hunter chased him. While running his horns got stuck in the trees. He failed to flee away. …

Stray Dogs 
Stray Dogs

Early in 2020, I joined a horse-riding group called the Westernaires. At my first lesson, I rode a beautiful horse named Taki (yes, like the chips).

Cow And Crane 
Cow And Crane

A Blue Heron 
After studying pictures of blue herons I was inspired to create one in colored pencil. I found out that blue heron's are protected by the United States …

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Siberian Husky 
I was thinking about what to do in my free time and I thought about maybe drawing one of my favorite animals so I drew a Siberian husky and I even added …

A Rooster in Colored Pencil 
This was my first try at drawling a rooster so I pulled out my colored pencils and started working at my drafting table. After the first layer I was hooked …

First drawing of a dog 
This dogs name was Griffin. He passed away and his owner had such a hard time dealing with the loss. The owners spouse asked if I could draw, from a favorite …

A Squirrel in Colored Pencil 
A few days ago I looked out of my front window and I saw 2 squirrels chasing each other around the tree in my front yard. They were full of lot's of energy …

Realistic Horse Drawings 
Realistic Horse Drawings. Remember stay tune in and also comment down below : )

Realistic Mother Tiger Picking Up Her Cub 
Realistic Mother Tiger Picking Up Her Cub

Camel in dessert 
Hi i am Hirva Patel 9 years old

My first drawing of a turtle 
I got the inspiration to draw a turtle because of the situation with the turtles going on in the world. :)

The drawing is about effect climate change in animals.

The dinosaur 
It's my new sketch which is inspired from an extinct creature.

the green dinosaur 
Dinosaurs extincted many years ago but we still love to watch them in movies and hence I have drawn one of them in colorful shades.

A Madhubani Elephant 
This is an artistic Elephant picture using Madhubani Art:)

Baby's Day Out

A Zentangle Tiger 
Tiger is a ferocious animal. And the zentangle art adds more loyalty and braveness to the sketch as it was in a battle field :)

Be free like birds 
Be free like birds...

Zentangle Peacock 
A beautifully designed Zentangle Peacock..

Avoid humans, they are spreading virus.

I am a scavenger. How can I be an evil!

Life Deserted In Lockdown 
Life Deserted In Lockdown

Painting of a frog 
Frog is a tailless amphibian animal. It has so many varieties. Here I try to draw a funny frog.

What a sweet boy! He looks so happy and fun loving. I really enjoyed drawing him.

The Cat 
I forgot my mask. The police chased me... I am hiding on a branch...

I have Nothing to say just want justice for that elephant

Save future....Save Wildlife

Sea Turtle  
I would love to see a real sea turtle, but until then I am okay with my painting 16x20 Acrylic on canvas board

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Eagle and its prey 
Eagle is a carnivore. Its strong eye sight helps it to catch prey from far away.

Maroon Oriole and Tanagers 
I try to draw these two birds with pastel shading.

Sweet Abbie is a white poodle. She has been the only furry one in her home for many years. I hope she has many more years to come. Drawing a white subject …

Koala and baby  
Koala is a very cute animal.Here I have tried to draw a koala and its baby which is my first animal drawing.

My first painting of a Raccoon  
I raised a baby raccoon years ago. One day she left and didn't come back, hoping she just found a family of her own kind. She was very special to me, so …

Like a peacock,our beauty is multiplied when we show our stuff to the world

My first drawing of a realistic bird. 
I got a drawing book for Christmas and Decided to give the bird a try. I didn’t even color it cause I thought it looked really good already!

A howling wolf 
The story behind my drawing is quite simple. I just love wolves, they are beautiful and amazing, I love when they howl, it's a gift from mother nature. …

Shelter in place 
Since we have been staying home I needed something to pass the time. My thoughts went another mammal that “stays in” during the day.

I love fishes

My first pet

Just for fun.

I love drawing so just tried in spare time

Beautiful peacock 
Colourful peacock

My drawing of a Frog 
I just drew this picture to see how I could do drawing of a frog.

White wolf 
Drew this a few months ago using white charcoal on black paper

Charcoal eagle 
Charcoal eagle on black paper done a few months ago

Bird on a Twig 
This is my first drawing using a photography as reference. Previously I have used drawings as reference as I am learning to draw. Being able to use a photo …

Whitetail Buck 
Drew this for my brother who loves the majestic buck. It’s a surprise so I really hope he likes it!

Mr. Froggie Boggie 
This froggie is a random sketch for my previous landlord as a token of love n care. So this sketch is worth a thousand emotions...

Unusual Pair 
Feebee a pitbull and Daisy a yorkie are best friends. An unusual pair to see playing together! Funny thing is Daisy is the one in charge!

First drawing with FC Polychromos 
Basically,I am a student so I don't have much time to draw. And I take a lot of time! Hope the drawing is good,at the end. Thank you

The Ball Park 
That’s one disappointed Penguin!

The Penguins 
There’s just not a “hole” lot to do when you’re a Penguin

Drawing of My Parrot 
We should also open our wings and start flying towards success.

Click here to write your own.

free time pencil drawing 
this is my drawing i drew when i have free time :)

Pelican Pete 
Pelican Pete is our local “guard of the pier”. He’s been hanging out with us islanders for many years. We have a lot of fun watching the tourist try and …

T Rex 
This is my interpretation of the moment before the Great Extinction Event some 66 million years ago during the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) era. Most scientists …

Two peas in a pod 
2 adorable babies so fun to draw! I love Shih tsu pups. Have one myself!

Owl Buddies 
My Dad loved owls so this was done for him. Fun and colourful to go along with my Lion and Elephant drawings. I spend so much time trying to be as accurate …

Cool Lion 
An attempt at an "Acrylic-like Painting" instead of my usual buildings and space drawings. Something to keep my "Elephant Bathing" drawing company. Always …

Owl on a Stump 
Third draft of an Owl I have been working on. Tried some new things on this one. Some things worked, some not as much, but I am overall pleased with how …

Praying Mantis 
Ever since I was a kid I've thought Praying Mantises were cool. Always very still and watching! Taoist Priests tell us that from the Praying Mantis we …

Patterson, Gimlin Bigfoot. Bluff Creek California 
Intrigued by the online photo, I decided to sketch it.

A Kingfisher Awaits His Prize 
I regularly see kingfishers here in Wimborne,Dorset. I have tried many times to sketch them at the first chance of seeing them but they don't hang around. …

Elephant Bathing 
Nothing like a relaxing bath after a hard day. Now, where did I put that rubber ducky?

Pencil art of a cat and a butterfly 
So I drew this in my notebook and decided to redo it in my sketch book and fix it up a bit more. I'm not completely finished but this is it so far!

Realistic cat eye pencil art 
I attempted to draw a cat eye as realistic as possible this is the almost finished project I plan do maybe detail it a bit more. I hope you like it!

3 monkeys of Gandhijii 
According to Gandhi, he should not see bad things, we should not say bad words and we should not hear bad things.These three monkeys depict these three …

Charlotte The Whippet 
My is a sketch of my Whippet Charlotte. She passed away this year at the age of 10, but was a super sweet dog!

Colton - Poodle  
Poodles are cute! Colton is solid black and not the easiest to draw. The photo looked like a furry blob with a shiny nose!

Luna - Pitbull mix 
What a fun drawing! Luna is sweet, fun, adorable plus so many other great adjectives. You can tell she’s a little happy!

Bird on Branch 
It’s been a few weeks since I put pencil to paper. Good to get back to it.

Baby Penguin 
Previously submitted a penguin. Here is it’s baby! Thought this one would be a bit easier and quicker....but that proved not to be true! All of my sketches …

Snowstorm here in New York today and stuck in the house. What better to work on than a penguin?

Random terribleness 
I love drawing.

I love hummingbirds. I’m still learning. I had a failed drawing before this one that I lost some confidence on. This didn’t turn out as good as I hoped, …


Still learning, but I’ve been getting a little better with shading and using negative space for highlights. I like how the feathers in the back pop. …

Male Duck 
Finishing up my duck set with a Male duck.

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Baby duckling 
My last sketch was a female duck, so I figured I would give a duckling a try. The fluffier texture seemed like it would be a lot less difficult but was …

Duck Pic 
Trying something new trying feather textures which was quite tricky! Almost gave up on the drawing a few times. It’s funny how adding or erasing one line …

Angelfish Sketch 
New to Sketching (and art in general) and trying some new techniques on this one. I’m a music teacher who never had much time for trying my own art since …

First Drawing of Owl Eyes 
I just started learning to sketch while I am on the mend from a minor surgery. I have always had a small amount of talent but never really tired anything …

Clown fish 
Adorable colored clown fish

king of the jungle 
this drawing done using paint brush

Paris and Lexie, A Yorkie Pair 
I was asked to draw these two adorable sisters for a friend. I was told they were very far along in age. I wanted to bring out the youthful spirit I could …

When we talk about cross hatching then the first thing that comes to our mind is single color, especially black. However, its possible to make colorful …

Loggerhead sea turtle hatchling 
We have a sea turtle rescue and rehab near where I live. I was inspired to draw this little hatchling after a recent release of now healthy sea turtles. …

Request from someone who doesn't have a dog or cat. Very fun to draw!

A Trio of furriness! 
Whew! Fur, fur and more fur! This was a lot of fun and great practice on negative drawing. I bet this house is non-stop entertainment!

Gentle Giant 
This is CW. He's a big boxer with a bigger heart. A gentle giant who only knows how to wiggle and give very wet kisses!

Fisherman's Favorites 
I have a friend who has requested many drawings of dogs from me. This time he requested his favorite types of fish he likes to catch. I was a little hesitant …

I haven't shared anything in a while, went from pencil drawing to colored pencil. Now I am trying a little painting. What do you think

My painting with from" Olive and company" 
Iam Bhavna prakash from kerala.if you people like my painting please support me.

My picture of a pink flamingo 
I love avian and am fascinated with the pink flamingo so I just tried to draw a picture of on and this is how my flamingo picture came out.

Man O War 
Just felt like drawing something from the sea. After I finished my drawing I felt that it needed some color to show more detail, so I grabbed my paints …

My first drawing of a bald eagle 
i was randomly drawing

First drawing of dragon 
My first drawing of dragon

Snowy Owl 
I love owls and recently went to a sketching class and after a while felt confident to do this.

A bird 
I wanted to draw a bird so I did.

Modern rhino 
Best drawing

Boxer named Boss 
I sketched this as a memorial for for my boxer who we had to put down 3 years ago

Boxer "Dallas" 
This is a memorial drawing for a friend. Dallas was 8 years old when she crossed the bridge. She was loved by many.

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vanitha painting  
Pencil drawing about Dog and cat.

Hawaiian Humpback 
Just fun Hawaiian Tribal art on a humpback

Reluctant Jaguar 
A Sketch created with pencil shading and black ink.

Natures Beauty 
Currently sketching to compose a portfolio before creating more art impressions to put on canvass.

First yorkie 
Black paper pastel artist

Cat Butt Cute 
Simple drawing

My Best Friend 
I've just joined an art group having never drawn properly before and chose a photo of my old dog who sadly left me 15 years ago. He was an English Setter. …

Coucou the cat 
On the 13th of January, was my birthday! It was my first step to te world of drawing! I realized then that I am really good at drawing animals, portraits …

In the eyes of an eagle 
Be Strong and courageous, soar like the wings of a eagle.

this drawing is one of my favourite

Drawing of a Bird 
A bird is sitting alone on a tree branch

Practicing negative drawing and backgrounds 
I was asked to draw this little boy for a gift. I knew I would need a background since he's all white. It was good practice drawing in negative too. That …

Molly lives in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. She has lots of places to roam and explore. I enjoyed drawing such a happy girl.

Trio-Sadie, Gypsy, Opal 
A gift for a friend. It was fun drawing the different poses.

3d spider 
I have tried to make a 3d sketch of a black and red's it?!

German Shepard 
I did this pencil drawing of a dog a while back. I decided to give it some color but I used the computer for the color. Is that cheating? I do like the …

Miss Sadie has the most beautiful eyes. She seems to say so much with them! Sadie is one of 4 rescues in her home. She is Queen in her castle!

Owl Doodle 
Doodled this scared-looking owl in history class. It almost seems like he's afraid of the light.

A Sparrow 
Even in humblest surrounding in Pakistan one can see this small bird 'gentle n sweet' as a friend described it. It was most natural choice of bird for …

My drawing of a bird  
In the morning I got bored and went on IPad. I saw sketches of a bird and decided to copy it. Later on that day I carried on drawing and I came across …

The peacock  
The beautiful peacock steals our hearts

my first drawing of a cat 
actually i was watching the movie ALICE IN WONDERLAND so i saw the invisible cat out there and i throught that i should draw that cat....

A Rabbit (from this site) 
I drew this from the 'How to draw a rabbit' on this site. It was really easy to follow, and here is what I drew.

My drawing of frecky the frog 
So there's this frog that lives at my grandmas house. We named him frecky, and I thought It would be fun to draw him. I know I'm only 8, but It was the …

The Raven  
Just felt like drawing and this is what I ended up with. A black pen and a piece of 8 1/2 " x 11" photo copy paper can turn into anything I guess.

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Buddy the Bassett Hound 
Buddy the Bassett Hound may look sad, but he's the life of the party! Those long ears and short legs can really liven things up!

My third attempt at a parrot 
I love drawing and painting birds. I am getting better at drawing the feathers.

My first cartoon animal drawing of a raccoon 
I love drawing and painting regular cartoons like Garfield, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. This is my first raccoon. I drew him and painted him.

My Sketch of a Lion 
I was at the library and I just felt like sketching. I was very surprised at my sketch!

King of Jungle 
Lion is described by its own quality. Its concentration power is amazing that's why if he once set a target never attack on others.. One other thing its …

Line Drawing 
My first drawing of a horse. Simple line one, one posted earlier is a detailed one but with just the horse head.

A Horse 
This is my first drawing of a horse. A simple line drawing done by kids. Next to follow is a detailed one.

Raven - Australian Shepard 
This beautiful girl is "Raven". She is a total Mama's girl! Very sweet and loving. I was asked to draw her as a gift for her "Mom". I knew I had it right …

Bogey Sweetheart 
My rendition or our sweet labradoodle, Bogey. She is truly a sweetheart and a good model, too.

Bull Dog 
My first attempt at drawing a dog. A friend of mine was putting her dog to sleep and I wanted to draw a picture for her.

baby bunny 
Love watching wild Bunnies running in my back yard, so here is a pastel pencil drawing of one of the babies

hand made sketches 

two Bengal cats  
I own two rescue Bengal cats tried to Draw them but they don't keep still so found a reference pic I could Draw

Abby 2016 
Sweet Abby-girl. Drawn for a friend. Abby is a golden retriever with a golden heart. She rules her castle with love and kindness to all.

I drew a Giraffe 
I'm working on learning to draw, which requires retraining my mind how I see things. This giraffe was challenging for me, but feel it turned out fairly …

A sketch of my dog Orry 
There isn't really a story to this drawing I just did it because I really love drawing animals and especially dogs! The drawing is of my new puppy Orry, …

Horse head bow 
Ive been studying to become a veterinarian for pretty much my entire life, I have always had such a passion for helping animals. I have a few pets at home, …

My first sketch of a cat 
10 years ago I started drawing.then my hands gave me I am practicing to draw again. Keeping in my pain in my hands

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 
My baby brother loves ninja turtles so I decided to draw one. I actually grew up watching the shows.

Channel Catfish 
Yes, catfish. Seemed like a strange request at the time, but wow, what fun it was to draw! I'm in no way an expert on catfish so I had to research and …

Southern White Face Owl 
I was asked to draw an owl for someone's daughter. At first I said "I don't draw cartoon animals". To my surprise, they wanted a more mature drawing. No …

Feeding a monkey 
I wanted to draw a person with an animal with a real background

A Playful Kitty 
I loved the picture the minute I saw it and wanted to draw. It is the second drawing I have done in my life. Hope she delights the viewers as she did …

My Digital Drawing of a Shark 
I love sharks, and I feel they are often mistaken for vicious fish. I believe sharks are one of the most misunderstood animals on this planet. I ask anyone …

My first drawing of a bird 
I was sitting at this camp ground one day and came across this bird standing in a creak so I took a picture and drew this bird I was very happy for the …

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I love horses they look so royal

under ocean scene 
The blue waters n fishes beckons us

kangaroo mother n child 
Kangaroo mother n child depicts the mothers love.

I love animals and this is one of my favorite. Hope you like this. :)

Lion face 
Old lion face

the lion the king 
Hi this painting i had done many years ago i think when i was a teenager.

the owl 
I love painting. Painting relieves my tensions.

colourful birds and nests 
The painting brings warmth n happiness. This is dedicated to my dad dr ravi n dr sandhya my mom n my granny usha n bro alok. I love my family.

The camel in desert give us idea of survival of the fittest

I love foxes. We have foxes very close to our house in the Spring.

Howling coyote 
We have coyotes way back in a farmer's field. They can be heard in the Spring and Summer howling at night. It is a weird and creepy sound.

Horses, etc.  
I love to draw horses and other animals.

Hummingbird and Flower 
I love drawing and painting a hummingbird near a flower. This is one of the ones I did awhile back.

This is a cartoon picture of a fox 
My friend asked me to draw and paint a cartoon fox for her and this is it. His name is Foxy.

My first wrinkle puppy drawing 
I love drawing dogs. This is a wrinkle puppy that I tried my hand at. It is very cute.

Lion sketch 
I am very proud of this drawing as I see improvement. It is one that I love.

When i first time saw it i thought to draw it

My First Cat Drawing 
I drew a cat that wanted some milk and fruit and I think it came out pretty decent.

Animal and bird drawings 
As I continue with my art hobby I have been drawing and painting animals and birds with some noticeable improvement.

Boyd - The Siamese Cat 
Drew this for a friend who when you first meet him you would never think he was such a mush when it comes to his cat Boyd. This big brawny law enforcement …

Keyla, Boxer 
Drawn by request. Keyla is a sweet girl who is very much loved and maybe a little spoiled. I love drawing dogs with such personality in their face! She …

my elephant appu 
This is a story of an elephant apu its elegane and in the forest in the pond near by it can see its beautiful reflection …

Drew this for a good friend. George is small but is king of the house! He gets the royal treatment for sure!

my 3rd new year poem 
Well Ivan didn't have time to draw a picture with my poem, but I did want to wish you a Happy New Year and thank you for all your positive comments about …

Rare Eagle 
I draw eagles ALOT and this one was a different kind of eagle. Its one of those rare one. Didnt finish it sadly. I been drawing realism alot lately, this …

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This is my very first drawing of a turtle. I had my doubts and was weary, like what if its no good or I mess up? Even so I pushed them aside cuz I really …

My OCs 
Autumn is my character, midnight is her wolf, Jake is her twin brother, shadow is his wolf, and silver is there wolf father, he claimed them as his pups …

drawing and poem 
I don't have a lot of drawing and poems that go together, but think I may start doing more. The drawing is not great, but I kinda like the poem, What do …

Woodland Turkeys 
Artist Sherry Brown I just love wild turkeys....I love watching the toms during the breeding season in the spring, fanning their tails while strutting …

Natures Euro 
I Sherry Brown am the artist. I live in northeastern WI. I love exploring the wilderness, I do it frequently throughout the seasons. I've witnessed many …

colored pencil drawing of a red bird 
Red Birds remind me of Christmas, Think I will use this for a Christmas card. Now I just have to think of a poem to go with it, I do a little writing also. …

Rare Eagle  
Im back with another eagle lol One of my favorite creatures. I adore them so. They are proud and mysterious creatures. One thing that I love about them …

Sweet Petunia was rescued by a dear friend of mine. While driving to work my friend spotted this sweet girl running along side a busy road. She pulled …

Proud Eagle 
I haven't been doing realism long. This is my second piece actually. The proud eagle. When I drew this I was thinking no matter what I will always have …

Some more animal drawings 
As I practice doing my drawings I do see improvement. Here is 4 more recent drawings I would love to share.

Recent animal drawings 
Hi my name is Ruth E. Sager and I have drawn so more animal. I would love or share these with you.

My first drawing of an elephant  
i love to draw animals and i thought it would be a good idea to draw an elephant and it actually came in useful because i am usung this drawing for a children's …

My Spotted Elephant  
This was my first attempt at combining animal and abstract

colored pencil drawing of blue birds 
Winter is on its way and I am so not ready. I did this to remind myself it won't last long in South Carolina and spring will be here before I know it :) …

Horse drawing 
Well here is another horse, guess I just love horses

colored pencil drawing of a german shepherd  
I love drawing animals, and dogs are one of my favorites. This is my first time drawing a german shepherd, I think it turned out okay. Ready to start my …

Bird Of Many Colors 
I love to draw birds and I had fun designing this Bird Of Many Colors. Yep, this isn't the type of bird you will see flying around your neighborhood or …

Pastel Kitten 
This started off just a pencil drawing, but I decided to add color. Love pastels pencils, just so messy, I always smug my work :(

nail and feet salon 
Made this for a nail and feet salon and they loved it

First drawing of a prancing horse 
When I was younger I had a great love for horses. I had a book for drawing horses. Now that I am retired I am drawing a horse. Sometimes things come …

Beagle dog and Sad puppy 
New dog drawings I just finished

its not a dog its a hand paintin 
Making portraits for a nail and foot salon

Puppy chewing on a bone 
My Hobo used to chew on bones. She loved bones.

Kitten eyeing up a fish 
Cats love fish bowls. Drew this little picture of a kitten standing on his hind legs looking into a bowl at a fish. The fish is looking a little scared. …

colored pencil drawing 
I am pretty happy with this one. I am trying a new blending technic for colored pencil.

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horse drawing 
I love drawing animals, here is another horse drawing. Done with pencil, colored pencil and soft pastels.

Lion fella 
Hello. I was in the middle of colouring. Oops...

My first bird drawing 
This is my first drawing of a bird and it is a robin and it's the best I've ever done in my entire life because I'm only 10 but I hope I can do more better …

pencil drawing of a leopard 
Have not had time to draw much, but I finally got to finish this one. Just a pencil drawing but I kinda like it. :)

Name: "Sir Maxwell." Subject: My Old English Sheepdog. Medium: Scratch Board - 14"x16." A few weeks ago while at the art store picking up some …

My second tiger 
I drew my second tiger. Coloured in coloured pencil then painted it with acrylics. I feel that I did a much better job on this one then my second one. …

New animal sketches 
Recently just finished some animal sketches I would love to share them.

Irrelephant.. #2 
If I had an elephant, I'd name him, Irrelephant. All arguments are Irrelephant. :)

Two raccoon drawings 
I got inspiration from the wildlife place I am working at for these two raccoon pictures I have drawn and painted. I did the one raccoon in silver paint. …

Hummingbird and flower, bunny, parrots and turtle 
My name is Ruth Sager and I an submitting some of my earlier animal drawings. The hummingbird and flower was done fairly recently.

pastel lion drawing 
I really worked hard on this one, thought it was gonna be a flop. But I keep working on it and pretty happy with the way it turned out. By the way you …

My first tiger And raccoon drawings and painting and a Doberman pincher drawing.  
My name is Ruth Sager and I retired in March of 2014. I took up art as a hobby and I would like to submit the following drawings and paintings. Al these …

First colored pencil drawing of tiger cub 
Just finished this drawing, I am pretty happy with it, ready to start another, just have to decide what I want to draw :)

My first drawing of a horse! :) 
Well, once I draw a dragon and I uploaded it on facebook. Then my friends who have horses and they really crazy about horses, asked me to draw a horse …

Tiger in charcoal 
second try at charcoal tiger.

My first pastel drawing of a bird 
I love birds, I have several bird feeders and humming bird feeders also, so here is my first attempt at a soft pastel drawing.

I love Birds  
I love birds birds. For Christmas last year my parents got me a bird book. I am trying to talk my mom to get stuff to make a bird watching area. Then for …

Sweet Haley was dropped off in front of my office 14 years ago. A solid black tiny fluff of fur. I brought her in and we all fell in love. My coworker …

Its my second puppy sketch. If you looked at my first an this one you would definitely see an improvement lol I spent my whole life hoping I could get …

pencil drawing 
I love dogs, I have 3 strays that someone threw out like trash. I also love to draw them. Animals and drawing are 2 things that make me very happy in life …

Speed drawing Chihuahua 
This is my first drawing of a chihuahua. I hope you like it? Please check out the video on "speed drawing realistic dog (chihuahua)" and let me know what …

my first drawing of a shark 
My first drawing on this site and of a shark. I wanted to make a picture for my crush so I thought "oh he would like maybe a shark or a monkey. How bout …

This is a picture I drawed of a real horse . I had a hard time getting it to look like the horse I was drawing. The lady I drawed it for , loves it. So …

Mr. Penguin  
I just wanted to draw something

Pooh bear character -Eeyore and tigger.  
I love drawing pooh bear characters. My older son who is 41 now just loved tigger when he was a child now I am drawing and painting the characters. I love …

Click here to write your own.

To be honest, when I had the urge to draw I wanted to draw a bird of some kind. You have the eagle that is amazingly beautiful with a tale of its own. …

Looking Out- 
It's strange but when I sketch its usually cuz something inspired to draw a certain type of sketch. This one, came to me because I was outside and I saw …

More drawing renderings of peanut characters, and animal drawings 
Since I have been drawing last March I have drawn about 60 maybe more from animals to Disney characters such as Simba, Lady and the Tramp, etc. I love …

Elaphants and monkeys 
Elephants and monkeys why do they not get along

I love drawing animals. I think this is about the fourth deer I have drawn. I live out in the country so I see the all the time. I think they are very …

Tiger caught a Pigeon 
This is my first attempt. Hope you like it.

My first bluejay - Chatterbox 
The blue jay he was one of the earlier drawings I did. I painted him. My first effort at feathers. Also I have been doing renderings of Peanuts characters. …

my first drawing of a calf 
Couldn't really think of what I wanted to draw, so I decided to try a baby cow, guess it turned out okay.

my first drawing of orcas 
Since its almost valentines day, this is my valentines picture. the 2 whales make a heart in the middle.

My niece is in high school drew a bunch of art pieces

Dog named Goldie 
Hi my name is Ruth E. Sager. I have taken up a hobby of painting and drawing. I am painting landscapes, and I am drawing animals and cartoon characters, …

my first deer drawing 
I have been drawing deer skulls for a while and I need some practice on antlers so I decided to step it up and draw a deer. I didn't think it looked good …

My most favourite dog I ever drew 
My chihuahua is wondering what's going on with his meal. He is thinking his meal must be magic.

My Lovely DOG 
One day I had a thought of drawing a dog and so I did it.

my dog 
Myy dog's name is Harley Davidson Schindler.My name is Nina Renee Schindler. My age is 7%. Love Nina. Date 12/15/14.

First sketch ever of an Elephant

Two for Christmas 
Drew this for a friend's boss as a gift. It was a challenge to pose them on the paper since they are so different in size. It's 11x14 so couldn't get all …

pencil drawing of a buck 
Seen a couple of deer's this morning, so I thought why not just draw another Buck. My water color pencil drawing was a flop so this made me feel a little …

Manga cat 
This beautiful cat with her psychedelic coat and colours really is a show off and rightly so the pick of the crowd. With colours and a personality to boot, …

eighty dog 
It has some necklaces in circles the two Little ones are the 8 and the big circle is the 0 and if you turn it to the left or right it looks like a PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! …

Loui(my dog) 
my art teacher told us to draw a picture of something that really means to us and i drew my dog because he is the only one that makes me happy when i am …

My colored pencil drawing of a sea turtle 
Wanted to draw with my colored pencils,so I thought a sea turtle with the blue behind it would be pretty.

Perusia the pink owl 
Perusia the pink owl is a friend & ally of Pinky the young manga girl drawn in Sharpie pens & India ink on Bristol board.

My first drawing of a duck! 
My little sis asked me draw something for her assignment, so I tried and ended up making this beautiful bird. Guess what? I am still surprised that I made …

Click here to write your own.

Manga animals 
My manga animals were drawn with black sharpie pens on Bristol board. My first attempt at manga animals!!!

Deer Drawing 
We live out and the country and see lots of deer's, but we do not hunt, I know some people love to hunt but I could never kill one of these beautiful animals. …

colored pencil drawing 
I Really love birds, well I love all animals, big and small. I really like the colors in these birds and they form a heart as they sit close to one another …

my first drawing of a peacock 
I love drawing pictures with color and I don't know how to paint so I guess colored pencils will do for now

My drawing of an eagle  
I saw a drawing of an eagle on this site and wanted to draw it myself.

My drawing of a horse! Not the first :) 
I studied for two years at art school :)

Drawing of my dog 
My dog the first day at my house .She lived 18 years.

Ellie and Jack 
Talk about total opposites!! Sweet Ellie is quite and calm while Jack is doing anything he can to get all the attention!!

Fiery Fox 
Really starting to love colored pencils. A friend of my wanted me to draw a fox, I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.

The Tiger 
I was thinking about what to made in my drawing competition. And i just got an Idea to draw the national animal...

colored pencil drawing of a parrot 
Trying hard to learn to blend colored pencil. I've seen some that are amazing.

My Tiger 
I think I am a addicted to drawing, nothing else I would rather do

My Niece's dog 
My Niece wanted me to try and draw her dog, I think it turned out pretty good.

Mare and Colt 
I loved horses when I was a little girl, even had a few. I'm happy just to draw them now

Chocolate Lab - Kirra 
Charity auction for animal rescue center. This is Kirra. A beautiful Chocolate Lab. Kirra went to the rainbow bridge at a young age due to cancer. Her …

Three Times the Fun 
A trio of Maltese. How much furry fun can one stand! These three are pure entertainment!

My Elephant named Opie.  
I love the way my elephant turned out this website is great an i love it ive done several of the drawings on here youre awesome and a big help! THANKS!! …

Baby Koala 
my second drawing of a koala, much better than the first. sometimes I can see my mistakes in a drawing and draw it over and it turns out much better. …

Loyal Friends ... :)  
Loyal Friends ... :) sketched on paper of size 38X28 cm with HB,2B, 5B, 10B pencils

My second drawing of a panda 
My sister really loves panda's, so I tried to draw her one. The first one I drawn wasn't to happy with, but I kinda like this one. What do you think ?

my first drawing of an elephant 
I used this web sight to learn to draw this elephant. The legs and feet was the hardest for me, but I think I got it

my drawing of a horse 
I've always loved horses, so this is not my first drawing of one and I'm sure it want be my last

my first drawing of bears 
I wanted to try and draw a bear, so I found this picture and just started drawing. I think they turned out pretty good for the first try :)

Havanese - Cottonball with legs 
Drew this pretty girl for a friend's birthday. She's a cottonball with legs! Solid white with a little dark in her ears. Had to add a background to get …

rooster taking picture of cat drawing  
I drew this from a book and uploaded it and drew the outline of it on the computer.

My first ever Penguin 
Like Ivan, I too painted while at school. Then came years of working and raising a family. A friend of mine encouraged me to take up pottery (which I enjoy) …

Yorkie "Sadie" 
Sadie is so cute!! She may be tiny, but she's big on personality! I love drawing Yorkies. They have so much to say with that cute little face!

A horse drawn from a photograph 
I love to draw horses they are beautiful animals

redrawn from the picture of cat's sleeping 
I drew this from something and uploaded it to the computer and also color with mouse.

Green plover 
My first attempt at a bird

Dexter is a rescue boy adopted by a friend of mine. He's so sweet and full of life. My friend is very lucky and so is he!

One of my Crazy Fish Drawling's 
Just a weird, crazy, looking type fish.

Cats sleeping 
I drew this from something and hope you like it.

Stoli and Max 
Stoli and Max are best buds. They go everywhere together. This drawing was for a charity event for a dog rescue shelter.

Drawing of 3 cute cats 
Copy from card and made it a little different.

character drawing 
Hope you like this picture that I copied from a poster.

beautiful bear 
Love to draw animals.

Drawn from a picture of an elk.

cat chasing bird 
I like to draw from books and I drew this on the computer and also colored it.

This is collage of some of the drawings. 
This is a collage of some of the drawings I copied from a book and 2 of them I drew on the computer and also colored them on the computer.

Snow Leopard 
This is an animal jam snow leopard i drew. its pawing at a moth.

German Shephard - Annie 
This is Annie. She was a special girl. Annie received a custom walking cart in her later years because her back legs couldn't hold her up. She has now …

Present for my mother (unfinished)

Thoroughbred on the Move 
A race horse I drew in graphite. Approximate time: 3 hours, drawn on Strathmore Bristol Smooth paper (9" x 12") with Staedtler graphite pencils. I started …

Sweet Squirrel 
I have a friend who at one time rescued a baby squirrel. She raised it until it was able to make it in the wild. Her story inspired me to draw this for …

my eagle 
I love it came out good


My Drawing Is A Dog And It's Not Very Good So Don't Hate On It Please! 
My Uncle had a dog and her name was lexi and she was so sweet. And now I have a dog named Lexi And So I drew her sitting down. She is a very good dog.

Click here to write your own.

Fluffy Cat 
This was a practice drawing. Still have a lot of improvement to make on cats. So hard to get the proportions of the face right. I've found drawing a cat …

My first Zebra and giraffe 
This zebra did my head in, doing all those stripes. I had been drawing about 5-6 months when I did this one. I just love her big eyes. I did the giraffe …

My first Emu 
Isn't she just beautiful and full of fun. I'd been drawing about 6 months in doing this girl. She was a pleasure to draw.

Mr first owl 
Another graphite drawing from lessons I found on the internet.

Caesar - Cocker Spaniel 
Caesar is a Cocker Spaniel who truly thinks he is the king of his castle! He has taught his humans exactly what treats he likes and when it's time to go …

I drew this for a friend and mainly for practice. Feathers have a unique characteristic on the drawing table. You actually have to draw the shadow of the …

I've drawn for as long as I can remember(now 43), and have discovered that my drawings come out much better if I take the photo myself that I'm going to …

Cup coaster- ducks 
I got board so I drew my dads cup coasters

Saw a photo of this guy on a social media site. He belongs to one of my cousins. Very interesting drawing subject. The fur on the head looks almost prickly …

Moe is Shadow's (I posted previously) adopted brother. Moe was a rescue and has had several surgeries on his foot. He's doing very well, but sometimes …

Alaskan bald eagle  
Just thought I'd try and sketch bald eagles and did taught my self

Shadow - Labrador Retriever 
Shadow belongs to a close friend who belongs to a Labrador Rescue group. Shadow has a brother named Moe that I've started drawing. Shadow is great being …

Mattie and friends 
This is my first attempt adding a person to my usual pet drawings. Animals are certainly easier for me! I'll keep practicing and hopefully this will be …

My drawing of Winter the dolphin 
When Winter was only 2-3 months old she was caught in a crab trap and suffered major injuries to her tail. As a result of this she had to get it removed. …

"Rebel" Horse drawing 
Drew this for a charity event. This is Rebel. He's 29 years old. He's been with his owner since he was 4. I had some difficulty with the muzzle and depth. …

Calico Cat 
Drew this for a friend. Learned something new. Most Calico cats are female.

Billy Goat Rough 
Done in charcoal (color) and black pencil.

Young Buck 
I have difficulty with perception because of an eye defect. Have difficulty and tendency to lean subjects to the left. So I usually do a very fast less …

My first Drawing of a Dolphin 
I wanted to redo my room so I decided to sketch out what I wanted my new room to look like. I want a Hawaiian room so I picked a dolphin to go on the wall. …

Barn Owl 
Another sketch taken from a book

My first attempt at drawing a fox 
Saw this pic so had a go at drawing it

Sketched this stag I saw

Saw a photo of a tiger in a book and thought I'd have a go at drawing it.

Little Bunny 
Sketched with graphite pencil then colored it with color pencils. Then wrapped in plastic wrap with computer program. I have done this in past with acrylics …

Ellie - Fluffly dog 
Drew this as a surprise for my brother. He loves Ellie so much. Kind of funny since he's the "tough guy" in the house!

Click here to write your own.

Sketched from a internet photo. 
Drew with a HB pencil and made into a semi-color charcoal drawing with an art program on my computer.

Foxy, my Pomeranian. 
Took photo and converted to Black and White. Then framed it, added color, and changed the texture of canvas with a free art program on my computer.

My first EAGLE ! 
I think an Eagle is beautiful and just wanted to see if I could sketch one and capture its facial expression.

My first dog sketch!!! 
My sister asked me to sketch a picture of her black lab Amber, this is my result, what do you think?

my drawing of a jackal 

my drawing of an polar bear 
not much to say really, i just love nature, and birds, so like to draw these so much,

my drawing of an osprey 
not much to say really, i just love nature, and birds, so like to draw these so much,

Baby bunny 
Just wanted to draw this for fun. Makes me think of spring!

First bird drawing before color  
I love to look at drawings of bird and now I've Finally drawn one. This was before I added color to it

American Bulldog - Bobo 
This was a challenge. Bobo's eyes were closed in the reference photo the owner gave me. Hope I captured his sweet disposition!

"Sparrows Through the Heart" 
"Save Sparrows..."

My first drawing of a fox!!! 
I just love drawing animals in my spare time and love to share my drawings I'm hoping I will get better the more that I do it.

My first wolf sketch! 
I decided to draw animals for a hobby because of my love for animals and would love to share my drawings,

what do you think?

Boykin Spaniel - Lacey 
This is Lacey. A beautiful Boykin Spaniel. This breed is from South Carolina and used for bird hunting. Lacey has a sweet gentle face.

Kona - American Pit mix 
This is Kona. A very sweet girl. She lives in Atlanta. I've known her since she was a little puppy. Very happy and loving.

wolf drawing with wings 
I love wolves and this is my second wolf drawing

Drawing of a bunny 
I love to make animals look real

Black bear 
Wanted to practice drawing something other than dogs or cats.

My drawing of a Wolf 
I love to draw...i decided to draw a wolf and this is how it turned out...I am really liking this wolf alot...

Drawing of an Eagle 
I love to look at Eagles...I enjoyed making this picture of an Eagle so much...I really like how it turned out and how it looks...especially the eye..

Drawing of dog  
I really love to draw animals..My daughter has 3 of these dogs and i adore them..I really enjoyed making this one too..

Blue Tic Healer 
This is the first drawing i have done of a dog...I had a picture that i drew this one from...I am giving this picture to someone the dogs owner and i am …

Barn Owl 
This is the first drawing i have done of an owl...It has alot of feathers and shading to do but i love how it turned out...

Click here to write your own.

Fighting Buffalo 
Wanted to draw something for an old friend who loves anything western. This drawing is of the older alpha buffalo training the young new bull.

Blackjack - Boston Terrier 
I had such a good time drawing this little guy. My first Boston Terrier. Couldn't help but smile everytime I looked at the reference photo. He seems like …

My first drawing of an osprey 
This is my Osprey i drew it from Audubon painting Fish Hawk.I drew it for a doctors office. Please like my page Das Vogel on facebook! :)

Memorial to Moe (Great Dane) 
I was asked to draw this beautiful boy as a memorial. This was my first at something so heartfelt. I went thru a lot of emotions while drawing him. Almost …

My First sketch of Micky Mouse 
This is my First sketch...Need true critics,so that i will decide whether to continue to practice pencil sketches or not..

The Crew: Lui, Vinny and Paulie 
This is my crew. Lui is the Yorkie-Poodle. He's in charge. Vinny is the black cat. He's second in command. Then Paulie the Siamese. He's the youngest. …

Maggie (Charcoal) 
This is my first attempt at drawing with Charcoal pencils. It was actually kind of fun.

Princess - Bichon Frise 
This is Princess. She wears her name very well. She is soft and white just like a cloud. She lives in Minnesota where it's very cold, but she doesn't worry …

My first Great Dane drawing :) 
I was in the library and picked up a sketch book and saw this and I wanted to give it a shot and draw it so I did :) I think it turned out pretty well …

Coming from my inner child.... loved the stories of the brave warrior on his magnificent stallion riding in to save the princess from the evil queen... …

"Legend" Black and White Pomeranian 
I drew this for someone who has dedicated her time to rescuing lost or unwanted furry friends. Legend is her most recent addition to her permanent residence. …

Fancy Goldfish 
This is really out of my area! Going from dogs and cats to fish was a big jump!

Tiger - Maine Coon Cat 
I'm venturing out from my comfort zone of drawing dogs. My neighbor has a Maine Coon Cat named Tiger. He lays outside either on the roof of my neighbor's …

My dear deer 
I was bore so i drew it

My tawny owl 
enjoy :)

Miniature Schnauzer - Harley 
Here's Harley. He is 15 years old and belongs to one of my favorite Uncles. Harley is named after Harley Davidson (bet you couldn't have guessed that!) …

My 1st drawing of the dog that is on this website 
I tryd my best 2 make it as real as posible by making it more bolder then the example on this website.Thanx a lot it realy helpd wit my drawin skills

the cat and mouce 
I just draw sketch and then started detailing it

lion, tigers and bears.. oh my! 
i drew this for my mother as well while incarcerated. its my first one of an animal actually

i was locked up and seen this picture in a magazine.. i had alot of time on my hands and someone told me i couldnt draw that since i dre other things, …

My Canary 
i drew this for my grandma :)

German Shephard - Jakkar 
This beautiful guy belongs to a good friend. He's only a little spoiled (haha). This is my gift to her for winning her battle with cancer.

My signs of the Zodiac 
i drew this for my grandma, uncle and grandpa :)

My pig 
just a cute little pig :) enjoy

My bat 
i drew this for my mom, she loves bats :) i like them too, bat is one of my favourite animals :) hope you like it

Tennessee Walker Coon Hound - Buster 
I'd actually never heard of this breed before. Kind of like an oversized Beagle. This is Buster.Drawn for a friend. She says everytime she gets the camera …

a pair of birds  
These are the birds talking in a forest.

cutie rainbow 
she is my fav pony and i wanted to make something CUTE.

Spitfire And Rainbowdash!!! 
they are my favorite ponies so i just drew them!:)

My first spider 
I´ve always wanted to draw a spider, so today i drew this one :) What do you think? BTW, I´m terrified of spiders :D

My little wolf 
this is my first wolf drawing :)

Horse 2 
the first one (just the head) reminds me of an alien, but i hope you like it :)

golden retriver 
I have a book to draw animals. So in that i saw a golden retriver drawing and it was a puppy it looked very cute, so i drew it and it was better than the …

well...I wanted to draw my dog but it ended different but good.

Best Friends, Leila and Dora 
These two sweethearts are inseperable. Leila is a lab pit mix and Dora is a pug. Drew this for a good friend. Dora is 15 years old. Leila takes good care …

Striped hyena 
When you look into an animal's eyes you see so much emotion.

Pomeranian named Paris 
Sweet gentile Paris. What a beautiful princess. She has the sweetest disposition and her name fits her so well..

Tiger, Charcoal pencil 
Since I'm studying architecture, I had to start sketching with a variety of tools, of which I tried this in charcoal pencil. Go easy, its the first such …

Gus - Jack Russell Terrier 
This one's for you Ivan! I know you like Jack Russells :) A very close and dear friend of mine (also my boss) from years ago had a Jack Russell named …

Le Tiger 
A picture I drew for a friend for her birthday... Dang, the pattern on the face was hard, lemme tell ya...

The Good Dog 
This is my attempt at drawing a dog. Hope you like it!

Click here to write your own.

My first picture of a bird 
My name is Ksenia.I am learning to draw. Thanks for the lesson! It is clear, simple. I am no longer afraid to draw)))))

Shea - Golden Retriever 
This is Shay. He's a sweet BIG goldie. He has no idea how big he is! He loves to fall at your feet and have his belly rubbed!

First Cat Drawing 
This is my sweet boy Vinny. Rescued from a home of over 60 cats. He was tiny then! Now he's fat and happy :) I found that cats are more difficult to …

my first drawing of a bird :)  
I went to a site depicting photos of birds found in Tennessee because that is where I grew up. I picked one that might be simple in line and background. …

Lui, Yorkie-Poodle 
This is my sweet Lui. He's my heart, my little man with a big dose of courage. He LOVES every person, every dog, and cat. He raised two rescued kittens …

My First Drawing of A Dolphin  
I'm a beginner at drawing and i love it so far. Have a best friend that has been with me through thick and thin. And I start calling him Dolphin because …

Simone - Collie 
I'm always on the search for something new to draw. When I came across this beautiful collie, I just had to draw her!

To Bushra (eyes): 
hope this helps :)

some Beatrix Potter characters :D 
I was wide awake all night and coulden't get to sleep so i decided to draw again :) , i didn't no what to draw so i attempted to draw peter rabbit , mrs …

Scout - Boxer 
This is Scout an American Boxer. Full of energy and curiosity. A great breed and friend.

This is my picture of a Hippo and some other animals too. 
I haven't been drawing for very long and still only learning but i have been drawing a few different pictures, mainly animal cartoons, here is the hippo …

1st drawing! (plz tell me if its good!) 
I was drawing a dog in a swimming pool but the pool kinda turned out like an oval. I suddenly thought that I should make it a hamburger with fries. I …

My 1st atempt at a dolphin 
Hi my daughter has started collecting pin badges so we got some canvas boards to display them, but the boards seem wasted without being used for something …

Golden Retriever - Woods and Water 
I posted the Retriever drawing earlier. I have gone back and added more to his surroundings.

I wanted to draw this one in memory of my Dad. He loved to go hunting with his dogs. He would be so proud of his companions. This one's for you Dad!

"Roxie", Cocker Spaniel 
A little girl watched as I finished up this drawing. I asked her "What should her name be?" Her reply; "Roxie". I think it's a perfect name.

First Eagle drawing 
I got this picture from this web site and I loved it so much I started drawing it right away. It took me an hour but I think it turned out great.

First drawing of a bird 
I was wanting to try something new so I thought of a bird. I think it turned out okay, but I would appreciate any other tips to make it better. Thanks …

It's close to Easter and I like bunnies so I drew this <3 ENJOY.

I was looking through my flying animals book and I saw a cricket and I really wanted to draw it. P.S. I drew this when I was 8.

This is a practice drawing. The greyhound has very different features from other dogs. Trying to keep the gentle feel with the powerful speed of this great …

Diddl - dog 
hope you like it :)

Humming bird 
I got this from my title bros book.. I tae drawing class so I few it from photograph to sketch. Is this good enough or a 11 year old?

enjoy :)

Click here to write your own.

German Shephard 
Drew this in honor of our K-9 Law Enforcement. Brave and loyal.

Chameleon using a pen

My first  
I saw this on a picture and i really liked it so i drew it!!!☆♡

Boykin Spaniel "Jackson" 
This is Jackson. He's a Boykin Spaniel. He is loyal to his master and a regal hunter.

My drawing of an Orca Whale 
i drew this because i looked at a picture of this image and drew it

Charlie and friends - redraw 
I posted a drawing of these three previously. I decided to draw them again using a different technique for the poodle. I shaded his undercoat first then …

My first dolphin , is it good ? 
Please help me to make this a living thing .

My first attempt of drawing a fish 
It's as same style of the fish drown in this site , but I used only HB pencils (2 and 0.5) , may you please tell me your opinions people , thank you .

cute dog 
its a cute puppy hope u like it!! :D

Yorkie, Poodle, Maltese Trio 
This was a challenge for me. Doing 3 dogs on one sheet, each with very different characteristics. It's on a 11x14 so I had a hard time getting it scanned …

Diesel - Pit Mix 
Here's Diesel. He's a real good lookin guy. Great personality too!

Bull Mastif 
This is Nala a Bull Mastif. She belongs to a couple of my best friends. Nala may look tough, but she's very sweet. This drawing was from a photograph of …

My dog 
i tried to draw a dog, because i really like them, but i don´t like the eyes

Animals 2 

Black Swan 
I went on a trip to India (don't get me wrong, I'm from Norway), but I took the trip anyway, and I took a picture of a bird while bird - watching.

My drawings 
these are few of my drawings :)

hope you like it :)


Jack Russell Mix 
My daughter's dog. He was rescued while trying to find food in a dumpster. He has such a big heart and is very sweet.

Rayne (Jack Russell mix) 
My best friend's buddy Rayne. Jack Russell mix. Full of energy!

Buck (Black Lab mix) 
This is Buck. He lives in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. He is a lab/pit mix and is so loving. His favorite hobby is watching squirrels in …

Karter (Weimaraner) 
Christmas gift for a friend. This is Karter.

Rescued Pit Bulls 
Drew these for a friend. She and her husband rescued 3 Pit Bulls. Very sweet dogs.

drawing of a horse i sketched its a horse of mine its name is star.

self art-The Tiger 
i to draw sketches and other arts.This TIGER sketch is my most favorite one.

Click here to write your own.

my first attemp in drawing a panda (ink rendering) 
this was my first try to draw an animal figure using ink i was so happy that it turns good

My first drawing of a dog 
My puppy is so cute so i decided to draw her as a way to test out my very first set of drawing pencils.

My first toucan.

Koi Fish 
My first koi fish.

My fist attempt of drawing the dragonfly  
I am 11 years old and I am just starting to learn how to draw. This piece of artwork is my first attempt of drawing the dragonfly and the first piece of …

Silver-breasted Broadbill from Thailand :) 
It's the one of my favorite birds:) Technique: Pen and Water color

My First Elphant 
One of my best friends loves elephants so, I wanted to draw one & here it is! :)

my fish 

I know how to draw a dolphin.


This elephant represents where my dad was born in- Africa. I wanted to represent a part of his life and I thought this creature could represent where he …

my horse 
i drew the horse and shaded it when i was 12 years and i still kept the picture on my computer.

Dog is having a Bath 
My very little Japanese chin is terrified of water but she was a very good girl, when i turned around to get a towel i saw her little face and took a pic, …


my first sketch of a bird 
I'm currently working on an oil painting and this is my first sketch of the bird

Copied from a magazine.

Copied from a magazine.

Copied from National Geographic magazine.

Copied from a magazine cover.

a dog 

A penguin from my sketchbook 
A penguin from my sketchbook I wanted to try and draw after watching Happy Feet

A lazy fat cat lol 
A cat having a lay down :-)


Scetch Book Doodles of Animals 
My sketch book are quick doodle drawings done mainly out of my head. Some based or copied from pictures not many and some from life most are in pencil …

Sketch book doodles 
More doodles from my sketch books

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My 1st Sketches Of Wildlife 
This is my 1st animal doodle page in a sketch book done the same day as my 1st bird sketches after a long time away from drawing and painting over 35 years …

My 1st Bird Sketches 
I have just taken up art again having not done any for over 35 years. I use oils and water colours back then and in school previously but not done anything …

Sweet Sheba 
Sheba has a look of pure love. So gentle and cuddly!

My 2nd colour drawing: A Kingfisher 
Kingfisher is a tiny bird with a large beak and lovely colours. It attracted me at once and I wanted to try and draw it and colour as well. However, …

"Inner Strength" 
Tigers are fierce and strong creatures. They symbolize power in the form of beauty. My first realism sketch

Peregrine Falcon 
I drew this to go with an article written by a historical author. The topic is "Shakespeare's Falconry". The Peregrine Falcon was one of Shakespeare's …

My First Drawing of A Dog 
hi to all my name is kirubagaran .i had a intrest in drawing ..but i dono when i got attracted in pencil arts .so i tried many picture by seeing many …

This is a picture of my first drawing of a horse..I started to draw about a month ago and i love to draw..Alot of people like this horse that i drew... …

My zebra 
I like zebras a lot, i think they´re cute :)

My Fluttershy Sketch 
Well,this is Fluttershy from mylittlepony.i usually ignore her but she came to my mind one day wile i was drawing. im in 5th grade and i love drawing …

My first Wolf drawing 
I felt good drawing this one. It brought out feelings of my Native American heritage. Loyalty, trust and family.

Hummingbird and flowers 
My second drawing of a hummingbird. A different approach with the wings.

i like to draw dolphins. BY THALIA DELUNA

Random, I saw it on television and thought it would be a good time to get out my sketch pad and draw ideas that was on television. Age : 13 Date …

Great White shark pencil drawing 
The idea came to mind to draw a shark and this is what I ended up with. I created a free blog on Blogger to upload my Art, I'll post the link if I decide …

Birds on a limb 
This one took me much longer than some of my previous sketches.

Grazing Snail 
It took me 30 minutes to complete it. Hope you guys like it:)

Animals I have drawn 
My zebra is a baby he was fun, the blue horse was a fun one, all done in colored pencil

my mlp fim drawing Rose 
so the pony's name is Rose Petals,i just call her 'rose'. i wanted to draw something with roses!^) im planning to color it with copic markers!!yaaaaaaaay* …

My first drawing of a horse! 
Well this is a drawing I done using another website to try and learn the techniques of drawing animals...first horse I've ever drawn and I know it doesnt …

This is my first attempt at a hummingbird. I used a photograph for reference. The flowers are not exactly like the photograph as I still have to learn …

dog head 
1.first you draw a circle/oval thing. 2.then you make it into a more of a head shape. 3.then you shade it in. use a very soft pencil. 4.color it in …

My first drawing of a tiger 

My first drawing of a Tiger face 
I was really bored one day and I was just sitting down on my bed thinking of what to do. I felt like drawing, but I was having one of those artist block …

My Drawing of a Dolphin 
Steps and Tips are Coming soon! P.S Check out my drawing of a sea turtle! Love, Ellie

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Wolf with wings 
i draw wolfs with wings i love wolfs

texel sheep  
this is a head of a texel sheep done from memory with HB pencil

This drawing took at least 3 hours because i had 2 get it just right. When i drew this drawing i was 12 years old I'm currently 13. i still draw frequently. …

my first drawing of a horse by a 11 year old 
well i had just got a new set of water coloured pencils so i went on the computer to see if there was anything i could draw i found a website called drawing …

Mother & Son 
This is a couloured pencil drawing done 1st in pencils then over coloured

Sketch Book Doodles 
These are from my sketch book. I started a sketch book to help me learn to draw. I have been in to art for about 15 weeks now and had never drawn before …

My beautiful horse 
This drawing will be talked about a lot most will say it's just a scribble but bare with me I'm only 11. Any way I'm not the one with the story the animals …

A horse Not rated yet
My friend waiting for a polo mint

some other pictures i have done :) Not rated yet
a few other pictures i have done :)

Two buddies Not rated yet
Did this one for my daughter.

cougar head Not rated yet
well i was watching tv and i saw a commercial that had to do with professional drawings and it looked cool how they drew the eyes i dont know how good …

dog (The Simpson, Santas little helper) Not rated yet
I love to draw 'The Simpsons, Kid Paddle and manga. So i tried to draw characters from the movie, comic books and so on.

Bird Not rated yet
I drew this when I am in 4th grade.I wish to share.

Cartoon Drawings Not rated yet
Noddy Character.

Cartoon Drawings Not rated yet
This is from Noddy,a cartoon book.These are characters in that book.

Cartoon Drawings Not rated yet
This is from the book Moddy, a Cartoon character.

Cartoon Drawings Not rated yet
This is from Moddy,a library book.

My first animal drawings Not rated yet
All of these drawings I used the tutorial from this website on I hope that is okay that I put these on here :)

Wolf Howling sketch Not rated yet
i dont know i got bored one day and started sketching.

My penguin drawing Not rated yet
I was bore one day and so since I'm so in love with penguins, I decided to draw one. I looked at a picture of two penguins I took at the zoo for inspiration. …

Great dane Not rated yet
I was done with first exam and had time in between so I started drawing and finished one of my best sketches.

my elephant :) Not rated yet
I love elephants!

Yearbook Cover Contest Drawing Not rated yet
I spent all night drawing this for the Yearbook Cover Contest, and it didn't even win! Unfortunately, I don't get it back. They kept it, good thing I took …

My Two Dogs Not rated yet
i got them when i was a baby.i love them a lot...!!!

first attempt of a bird Not rated yet
taken up drawing again, last time drawing was in school x

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horse drawings Not rated yet
Being crippled with Parkinson's Disease, I have had great trouble with horse drawings. Yesterday was my very best, at least it favors a horse.

Wolf Not rated yet

My first detailed drawing (A bird) Not rated yet
I wanted to learn to draw so I came here, grabbed a 2H pencil and sketched this.

my horse Not rated yet
i drew the horse and shaded it when i was 12 years and i still kept the picture on my computer.

Hugging Fox and Bunny (cute) Not rated yet
It was near Valentine's Day, and for a present to my parents, I gave them this wonderful drawing. Please enjoy. This is fairly easy. …

My First Drawing of A Horse Not rated yet
I drew this picture based on my very own horse Silverboy. I am planing on putting it on my bedroom wall so that I can go sleep seeing the picture that …

my animal drawings Not rated yet
i was bored so i just drawed these drawings

My 2nd "doodle" for 2011. Not rated yet
Tigers are a favourite subject of mine. I've only drawn about 4 or 5, (which began as "doodles". 3 of which became paintings. This is my most recent …

My first "doodle" for 2011 Not rated yet
My first attempt at an Orca was back in 2005. I turned it into a painting, (with pleasing results). Now it's 2011. This is my 2nd attempt at an Orca. …

fish :) Not rated yet
there isn't much of a story really. I just saw this site at a friend's house, got inspired, went home and drew this for my boyfriend, who loved it. :) …

Pencil Unicorn Not rated yet
I only draw when I am drawing for someone, and I think this will make a great gift! I've never drawn a unicorn before and this website taught me how to …

lion  Not rated yet

my Awsum Drawing of a Horse! Not rated yet
Not much of a story to go with, I was just bored. Ok, well I did right before I moved to a new location, so i decided to draw this in chalk!

A Jay. Not rated yet
I love birds very much. This bird is very very beautiful.I had to draw it.

My version of your Bald Eagle Not rated yet
Not as good as the original but hey I'm getting better. :) //Robert

My First Attempt Of Drawing a Pony! Not rated yet
I was thinking of something new to draw and i was looking out my window to get some inspiration and a horse walked passed my house so that inspired me …

Bird Not rated yet
I was pretending to have an art business and one of my make-believe customers ordered a bird picture.

my first monstae Not rated yet
it was sunday and i got attaked bie a mostae

A pony Not rated yet
A pony from my sketchbook

A dog from my sketchbook Not rated yet
A dog from my sketchbook

my first potriat Not rated yet

birddddz Not rated yet
really nothing i draw 4 fun and enjoyment so really nothin

Scetch Book Doodles Not rated yet
More little sketches done in my sketch book which I use to learn to draw. These were done in the 14 weeks after I started my art quest, I had never drawn …

My 1st Giraffe Not rated yet
Done in sepia coloured ink with a pen. Just a quick sketch to try out my skills with drawing animals and using ink.

Penguin in Ink Not rated yet
My 1st penguin done with pen and ink.

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Horses head Not rated yet
1st drawing of a horses head

doodles from my sketch book Not rated yet
This is a doodle from one of my sketch books all drawings on the site are from doodles and sketches I have done since taking up this great hobby again …

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Portraits of Dogs by Lynn

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Realistic Portraits by Andy Leslie

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Portrait Drawings by Lela Stankovic

Various drawings by Betty Chavis

Various Drawings by Betty Chavis

Original sketches by Nadia Velasquez

Original sketches by Nadia Velasquez

Beautiful Artwork by Bill Richards

Beautiful Artwork by Bill Richards

Cute Drawings by Christie

Cute Drawings by Christie

Manga Drawings by Chi

Manga Drawings by Chi

Portrait Drawings by Evan

Portrait Drawings by Evan

Various Drawings by Sabariah

Various Drawings by Sabariah

Various Drawings by Sunnu Golwalla

Various Drawings by Sunnu Golwalla

Various Drawings by Amberlynn

Various Drawings by Amberlynn

Various Drawings by Anne Burgoyne

Various Drawings by Anne Burgoyne

Various Drawings by Carly

Various Drawings by Carly

Portrait Drawings by Bud Norris

Portrait Drawings by Bud Norris

Portrait Drawings by Mahendran

Portrait Drawings by Mahendran

Scenery Drawings by Phil Edmondson

Scenery Drawings by Phil Edmondson

Portrait Drawings by Stacey

Portrait Drawings by Stacey

Manga and Fantasy by Lee Henrik

Manga and Fantasy by Lee Henrik

Manga Sketches by Paul Rowan

Manga Sketches by Paul Rowan

Various Drawings by D. Fox

Various Drawings by D. Fox

Original Pokemons by Johan

Original Pokemons by Johan

Original Manga by Grace

Original Manga by Grace

Cute Little Sketches by Gwen

Cute Little Sketches by Gwen

Creative Anime by Celia

Creative Anime by Celia

Various Drawings by Taylor Sligowski

Various Drawings by Taylor Sligowski

Various Sketches by Amanda

Various Sketches by Amanda

Fantasy Drawings by Melissa

Fantasy Drawings by Melissa

Various Drawings by Steven Chesley

Various Drawings by Steven Chesley

Various Drawings by Maciej Michalak

Various Drawings by Maciej Michalak

Various Drawings by Aiswariya Pramod

Various Drawings by Aiswariya Pramod

Manga Drawings by Andrea

Manga Drawings by Andrea

Original Artwork by Richa Kotriwala

Original Artwork by Richa Kotriwala

Various Drawings by Sandy Lange

Various Drawings by Sandy Lange

Cartoon Drawings by Dipanjan Dey

Cartoon Drawings by Dipanjan Dey

Cartoon Drawings by Dhrubo2002

Cartoon Drawings by Dhrubo2002

Ballpen Drawings by Shehbaaz Baurtally

Ballpen Drawings by Shehbaaz Baurtally

Emma Adams Cartoon Sketches Gallery

Emma Adams Cartoon Sketches Gallery

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Sonali Ghosh Illustrations Gallery

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Rupshya Dilipraj Artwork Gallery

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Latest Visitor's Drawings

  1. You got mail

    Dec 13, 24 05:52 PM

    You got mail
    I really been enjoying trying new things. This is acrylic paint on an old saw blade. I have not posted in a while so I will be sharing more soon

    see the drawings

  2. Imaginary pen art completed

    Dec 12, 24 05:44 AM

    As for handleterring of NATURE and the decor,brillant pens were used.And it is good for this style.So here is an imaginary pens art and as usual,dominated

    see the drawings

  3. Still in progress

    Dec 08, 24 05:25 AM

    Ballpoint pens art. Imaginary.

    see the drawings

  4. Respect others for self-protection...

    Dec 07, 24 07:59 PM

    Respect others for self-protection...

    see the drawings

  5. Thieves are always punished

    Dec 07, 24 07:57 PM

    Thieves are always punished
    Thieves are always punished.

    see the drawings

  6. carnivorous plant

    Nov 25, 24 08:02 AM

    carnivorous plant

    see the drawings

  7. Imaginary pens art in progress

    Nov 25, 24 07:59 AM

    Dominated by colourful nature and focus on details.

    see the drawings

  8. Chateau Trompette in Mauritius

    Nov 25, 24 07:57 AM

    Chateau Trompette in Mauritius
    Maybe this colonial mansion is not known to many, in Mauritius. Or maybe of all those who saw it, very few are aware that it is known as Chateau Trompette.

    see the drawings

  9. Understand your own value

    Nov 25, 24 07:55 AM

    Understand your own value

    see the drawings

  10. Be your own hero

    Nov 09, 24 07:00 AM

    Be your own hero
    Be your own hero.

    see the drawings

  11. Place of tranquility

    Nov 03, 24 04:00 AM

    Imaginary pens art. Normal ball pens were used except for yellow colour done with a gel ink one. A place of tranquility dominated by nature. Even if in

    see the drawings

  12. Inspired by lake Venna of India

    Oct 29, 24 11:32 PM

    Inspired by lake Venna of India1
    Here is an imaginary pens art showing the atmosphere of Lake Venna which is located in Maharashtra in India.

    see the drawings

  13. Birds can fly, why can't I?

    Oct 29, 24 11:31 PM

    Birds can fly, why can't I?

    see the drawings

  14. Boy vs girl, who is the best?

    Oct 29, 24 11:30 PM

    Just half a girl and half a boy

    see the drawings

  15. Cyclone

    Oct 29, 24 11:29 PM


    see the drawings